Clinical Education

Sub-Acromial Impingment

Sub-acromial impingement is not a diagnosis but a symptom of a muscular imbalance at the shoulder and scapula regions. This can be due to a rotator cuff strain, partial or full thickness tear, tendinopathy, trauma or simply muscle imbalance from poor sitting posture or overworking anterior muscles in the gym

This can occur if there is an abnormality affecting the rotator cuff, scapula function or the thoracic spin

Sub-Acromial Impingement

A.) Schematic anatomy of a healthy glenohumeral joint and subacromial space B.) Schematic anatomy of a shoulder joint with the presence of several etiologic mechanisms for Subacromial Impingement Syndrome

Subjective History

Acute or insidious onset
A positive painful arc (between 60 and 120 degrees abduction)
In the acute stages a patient may have severely limited range of movement secondary to pain
Often activities such as overhead activities, putting a seat belt on, putting bra or tops on, or reaching up to top shelf cause pain
Objective Examination

There will be a painful arc on active range of movement
Full passive range of movement
A patient will commonly describe pain on the affected side, particularly on external rotation
They may have abnormal movements of the scapula through shoulder motion

Image from OpenI – Licensed by CC
Image from OpenI – Licensed by CC
Image from OpenI – Licensed by CC

Treatment / Management / Rehabilitation

Early referral to physiotherapy which may include manual therapy, exercise and acupuncture can have a pain relieving effect
At the sub-acute stage passive treatments have little effect
Exercises will increase in difficulty and resistance, a focus on function will be introduced
Once normal function has returned, exercises to return patient to all their normal activities can then devised
Through all stages the patient should keep themselves physically fit by participating in non-aggravating exercise such as cycling


Image from OpenI – Licensed by CC
Image from OpenI – Licensed by CC
Image from OpenI – Licensed by CC