Self Help

Groin Pain (Adductor Tendinopathy)

Groin Pain (Adductor Tendinopathy)

Hip Conditions
Self Help Guides | Hip Conditions | Groin Pain (Adductor Tendinopathy)


The adductors are a group of muscles on the inside of the upper leg and groin area which help to stabilise the pelvis. It is a common site of injury in activities with high running loads, kicking and rapid changes of direction.


  • Gradual onset which is usually related to increased load
  • Pain in one or both pubic bones and adductors but can also be felt in the lower abdominal region and may radiate down the muscle
  • Pain presents after activity and is accompanied by stiffness
  • Pain on passive stretching
  • Pain on activation- squeezing legs together
  • Weakness on pushing the legs apart, loss of acceleration when running, loss of long kicking distance and vague discomfort with deceleration


  • Activity modification
  • Ice or heat
  • Pain relief
  • Physiotherapy including range of movement exercises and a graded strengthening programme


Generally not indicated


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Groin Pain (Adductor Tendinopathy)

Hip Conditions
Allied Health Professionals Physiotherapist working with a patient

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