Your Healthcare Records
As part of your care with AHP Suffolk CIC we will keep comprehensive records about the care we provide. These are contained within an electronic patient record system called SystmOne. Further information about how we process information can be found in our privacy policy here: AHPS Privacy Policy
Accessing your record
You are able to request access to your record by submitting a request by email (, phone (03330 433966) or letter. You must tell us what parts of your record you would like access to (e.g.. between certain dates, or to cover certain topics) and how you would like to receive this information. We will aim to get this information back to you within one month, but we will tell you if this will take longer.
Understanding your record
If there are sections of your record you need help understanding, we will be able to assist you and you can contact us by email or by phone to request the support required.
Healthcare professionals will often use abbreviations to record common information. Sometimes healthcare professionals will use the same abbreviations to mean different things. AHP Suffolk CIC have a policy of accepting abbreviations which are easy to understand in the context they are written.
A list of common NHS abbreviations can be found here. If you do not understand an abbreviation within your record please contact us.