If you feel that your patient is suffering with pregnancy related back and pelvic pain advice can be given;
Reassure the patient that most Pelvic girdle symptoms settle as soon as their have given birth
Advice on simple lifestyle modifications such as;
Appropriate footwear that is cushioned and supportive
Sitting posture and trying supportive chair rather than sofa
Avoid standing for long periods
Cuddle children sitting on your lap rather than lifting them, if have to liftg young children sit down and then pick up child
Sit when getting dressed and putting on shoes
Rest frequently throughout the day. Take the weight off your pelvis – lie down
When sleeping/resting on your side, use a small pillow between your knees
Take smaller steps and avoid rushing
Accept help form your partner/family/friends particularly in stressful postures or strenuous shopping trips etc.
Avoid straddle movements or activities where you stretch your knees apart
Referral to physiotherapy if the patient is unable to manage their pain and we can work with the patient to get them to manage their condition by:
Exercises for posture and core stability
Education and advice on lifestyle modifications
Education on sleeping and sexual position
Advice on specialist equipment if required for example pelvic belts and crutches
Education on birthing positions and the postnatal period