Urine dipstick screening to detect the presence of blood, glucose, protein, leucocytes and nitrites in the urine.
Vaginal examination to identify evidence of pelvic organ prolapse or pelvic mass. May also include pelvic floor muscle assessment, if within your scope of practice.
Where appropriate the use of OAB drugs and/or topical oestrogen should be discussed.
Urinary urge incontinence
Urinary incontinence is a symptom that can affect women of all ages, with a wide range of severity and impact on quality of life. It is common but not normal.
Urgency urinary incontinence is defined as involuntary leakage of urine associated with urgency.
Urgency urinary incontinence is often related to over-activity of the detrusor muscle, but symptoms could be due to a urinary tract infection, so this must always be excluded.
The cause is often unknown. It is more prevalent in older (post-menopausal) women, but it may be linked to a family history or childhood history of similar symptoms.
This type of urinary incontinence often occurs as part of group of symptoms called overactive bladder syndrome (OAB). Other OAB symptoms include urinary frequency and nocturia.
There are many barriers to seeking advice/treatment for symptoms of UI. We also know that many women are not able to contract their pelvic floor muscles effectively, so if a woman reports symptoms please refer for further assessment.
Main presenting features:
A sudden, intense need to empty the bladder which is often difficult to delay.
The urge sensation may be linked to specific triggers, for example arrving home (latch-key urgency), a change of position or the sound of running water.
An associated increase in urinary frequency or nocturia.